Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Mr. Simon,

Below is a letter describing but a chilling glimpse of the horrors perpetrated by a child, ALESSIO MINEO, against another child, Alessio's own cousin. His behavior is the clearly the product of a sad life being raised by emotionally very sick parents. Alessio is a very much in need of medical help from a very competent Mental Health Professional, which he will never get as long as he is able to hide his illness. His parents have much more to hide and are likely to do what ever is necessary to hide the truth about Alessio. Maria is a very dangerously disturbed and dysfunctional woman, and Frank not only lacks the courage necessary to stand up to Maria, but is sadly is not man enough to do what is right for his own son Alessio since he has irresponsibly avoided getting him the help he so desperately needs.

Regardless a community needs to be made aware of the perils their children can be exposed to and see that the perpetrators are identified. Someone needs to interview Alessio and confront him with the truth. Sexual abuse is rampant in the Guarino family, Maria Mineo's maiden name being Guarino. Alessio's maternal grandfather Dr. Lawrence Guarino is known by some as a Pedophile disclosed on occasion by his own daughters, hence why they are so mentally ill and have repeated the cycle with their own children.

People like you Mr. Simon are an integral part of any healthy community and deal with children. Be guided accordingly. Many concerned Citizens of New Jersey are aware of the the dangers the Guarinos pose to any community at large, will let them hide no longer and will see them prosecuted for their crimes.

Concerned Citizens of New Jersey